What's the next Apple product?
Apple has made lots of new devices that has turned the generation of phones, music players, tablets, computers, laptops, etc., but will they come out with something else? I know a new iPhone is coming out and I've heard rumors of Apple making its own TV. Apple has changed the generation of phones, music players, PCs, etc. And I'm tired of hearing "The new iPhone is coming out." or the iPod 6/iPad 5 is coming out. What is the next Apple product? The product that will change the generation of what ever device other than a phone, a tablet, PCs, etc. What do you think Apple's new product will be if they ever come out with something else?
Next product will be the ISuck
its for people who spend their lives on twitter and facebook
The new Apple urinal called the iPiss. You will be able to download music, play Angry Birds, & check your email while painting the porcelain. Sorry girls. Maybe next product.
I think they are done for revolutionary products, for now. Just evolutionary for some time, as chipsets, screens, and wireless get better. They may get NFC, if that gets going.
This year, possibly expect an A6X/Retina iPad Mini.
Dreaming, would be an Apple TV, as in a family sized TV set with iOS.
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