What's the occupation called for helping design an iPhone?

I think it would be so much fun to help design in the making of iPhones. But really any electronic would do, I just want to design things. So what is this occupation called?

There are many aspects of the iPhone design… Hardware engineering, electrical engineering, software engineering, etc. Your best best would be to study electrical engineering in college.

Well, depending on your area of specialization, whether you mean the cosmetic, technological, or material aspects of a phone, there are several occupations involved. If you're interested in design, rather than look at a very specific occupation, you should do some general research.
Just to get an idea of how much is involved, there are hundreds of separate jobs needed to design a single piece of technology. I think what you're aiming towards is a concept artist, who's job is to conceptualize new ideas, prototypes, and basically get ideas out there.