What should I do with my iPhone?
As I've said in my previous question I dropped my iPhone in the bath for a quick second and I shook it and put it vertically on a towel
I just turned it on and it was working perfectly with all the sounds and notifications, should I put it on the radiator over the night (the radiators turn on every 40 mins)
I don't have any rice so I can't put it in a bowl of rice
I turned my iPhone off again coz I'm too scared to use it, what should I do? And I won't take it apart idc that's long
Just sit in the corner & cry, since you've made it clear you don't want to solve your problem if it involves getting off your ***.
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with it. I've dropped my ipod touch in water before and it was fine. If it was the first time you've dropped it in water there should be nothng wrong with it. If you have dropped it in water before you should probably send it in to Apple and get it checked for water damage. Hope everything is fine
Don't worry too much. I accidentally dropped my I pod touch down the toilet. Unfortunately I forgot to flush the chain after I had done a number 2. Luckily for me I had a massive poo which was half sticking out of the water, which it then landed on top. I got a bit of poo on it basically.
I would not put it by the radiator… The heat could have an effect on it. You need something that will dry things up.thus borrow some rice and put it in there - that will work to dry it up. I have a friend who used the rice and it worked for them… Dried it up well without any issue.
I have went the rice route before as well and it worked for me.
You should put your iPhone on top of a Nutella and it will make the water dissolve and turn into cO2.
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