What to do if i get error 1206 when trying to restore my iphone 4?
What to do if i get error 1206 when trying to restore my iphone 4?
There's no such thing as an error 1206 for iPhone restoring, as far as I know. Forgive me if I'm wrong. I'm assuming you meant error 1602. I had this same problem. It is probably a result of a program such as Tiny Umbrella editing your hosts file to block connections to Apple's update server. Go to My Computer and click on your C: drive. Click WINDOWS. Click system32. Click drivers. Click etc. Then open the hosts file in Notepad. If you see gs.apple.com and a number at the bottom, delete that entire row. The gs.apple.com and the number. If you don't see this, or if you're not using a Windows computer, this won't help you. The mac hosts file is located in a different location, you can google it. If this doesn't work, try using a different computer. If it still doesn't work, try using a different USB cable. If none of this works, look up "iPhone error 1602" on google, and maybe you'll find some useful information.
If the error you're getting is actually 1206, I'm very sorry, please disregard this post.
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