What uses data on my iPhone?

Alright, so I have a pretty small data plan. That doesn't really bother me. I used a little over 90% and my bill ends the 20th of January. That's because I didn't have Wi-Fi on. I know that if you play games with Wi-Fi on, it doesn't use data. I want to know if the following will use data when I'm on Wi-Fi. If you could make a list like I did with yes and no's.that'd be great.
Rage Viewer
Draw something

Your phone will give you that exact information somewhere in your system settings.

ANYTHING that uses the internet uses data.

Music - no, unless you're streaming from youtube or buying music
Facetiming - takes up a lot of data
Messaging - takes up small amount of data
Camera - no data
iFunny - takes up lots of data (around 1mb for every 5 pictures)
Rage viewer - takes up about same amount as ifunny
Youtube - takes up the most data (around 4mb per video for me)
Weather - takes up little data
Instagram - takes up little data
Kik- takes up average amount of data
FML - No, don't think so
Songpop - takes up data
Draw something - takes up data with multiplayer
Snapchat - takes up data
Fanfics- takes up data, i think

If you download ANY apps or music, you use data.

Messaging and calling only take up little data, though.

Apps that does take up data: Facetiming, messaging, ifunny, rage viewer, youtube, weather, instagram, kik, FML, songpop, draw something, snapchat, fanfics

Apps that don't: Music, Camera

The bottom line is any video or streaming stuff uses alot of data (facetime, online video, etc). Most apps for viewing news, stocks, weather, etc., are all pretty meaningless when it comes to data. Imessages pretty meaning also unless you send a 5 meg picture in every message. When Wi-Fi is on then its free.

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  • What uses Data on my iPhone? - 1 I've apparently used up 90% of my allowed data that was supposed to last till the 15th. I don't have a computer so I use my phone for pretty much everything. I obviously have to cut back but I don't wanna just turn off my phone and keep it off for 3 weeks. I use FaceBook, YouTube, Tumblr, Chrome, a web proxy, iFunny, and I think that's all the APPS I use. I also listen to music on my iPhone, do I have to stop using that as well?
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