What would you do in this parenting situation?

You just got out of Walmart. Your 14-year old son calls and says he broke his iPhone case and you need to buy him a new one in case if he drops it and you'll have to pay for it. You also tell him you're getting a hamburger pizza for him and he said he didn't want hamburger. He's making kind of a big deal out of it, too.

Drop it and you can do without a phone. Eat the Pizza I already bought or go hungry.

I'd tell the ungrateful little snot that he is not getting anything for dinner, and if he wants something, he can eat peanut butter and jelly. Then I would tell him that until he earns the money for the new case, you will be keeping "his" phone for safe keeping.

Why would my 14 year-old child have an iPhone when a cheap $5 flip phone will work just fine in an emergency? Also, if he doesn't want the pizza, he can make himself a peanut butter sandwich.

You go home and talk to him about his attitude because he is acting like a spoiled rotten snob. And don't get him anything I would suggest a minor grounding too

He could get his own phone case and make himself a PB&J for dinner. Weak parenting skills? Neither of my kids would ever talk to me that way. What's going on?

There has to be a penalty for breaking the case. I would take the iphone away for a week or I would make him work off the cost because he broke the case, that means he would be scrubbing the floors, washing the car, working in the yard, painting, doing many things until the cost is made up. Then he would know there's a cost for not taking care of stuff.

I'd be the, err, alpha male (or female) and take control. Tell him what's happening. Don't sit back and let him dictate to you what today's agenda ia!

Take the phone from him until you have another opportunity to shop for a case, and if the pizza has already been purchased, make him eat it. If not, make or buy something else that he might like better.

Don't buy him the phone case or the kind of pizza he wants - get the kind of pizza YOU want. Tell him if he drops the phone and breaks it, then he can buy a new one himself. You might also tell him that if he wants a new phone case, he can trot himself down to Wal-Mart and pony up the money for it himself.

Sounds like the kid has Dad wrapped around his little finger. A few years ago my daughter demanded $500 for riding lesson and said I was a bad parent for not ponying up the cash. Have since told her not to ask me for any more money and get a job if she wants more money. Stop trying to be a friend to your kids and be a PARENT. If he breaks something then tell him he has to buy it himself. I have educated my kids that money doesn't appear out of thin air and that you actually have to work for it. Don't buy the pizza for him, buy it for yourself. If he doesn't like hamburger, well tough. He can go without.

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