What's the point of buying a ipod when you already have a iphone?

The iPhone has 32gb just like ipods

Well the iPhone only goes up to 32gb. My iPod classic will has 160gb. I have filled up my iPhone in less than a year but my iPod is far from it.

There's no point. The only decent answer is that it can store music without taking as much space as the iphone.other than that, no point

I have a small ipod just for working out, don't want to carry (or bang around) my phone there. As far as something like an ipod touch, yeah I agree you don't need one of those if you have an iphone.

IPods are smaller and lighter.iPods can hold more music… Especially if it is a Classic. Nanos ans shuffles will typically hold more too since there are no apps or much of an operating system. Finally, iPods can be docked to a stereo without tying up your phone.