What's your favorite device to play minecraft on?

Xbox, tablet, iphone? Etc
Btw if you wana play with me I play on xbox add me jollybelly97 I'm a begginer tho

I don't play Minecraft.

Perhaps you should spend more time studying English instead of playing Minecraft. It would certainly help you.

Oh, and just so you know. Using single letters in place of words does not make you "cool", it just shows how uneducated you are.

I would have to say pc, xbox would be secound but it doesn't feel the same with small maps no commands and other stuff, i have mc 360 version if you wanna add me my gt is TerrficConor09 but i don't really regularly play mc as i'm waiting for he awesome updates they promised us.
I thought that this was the internet? Everyone uses short words its easier to type then to use like 5 more words i'm pretty sure we don't have deep christian parents like you telling us to study 24/7. 1 hour a day studying leaves you with about 8 hours if your in school. Its your free time.

Xbox, Its really really nice to use a controller which you could prob do on a PC but for a beginner i would say Xbox. Just play the tutorials at the beginning and you will be fine its really easy.

Dude that's not nice to say. Maybe she writes like that cause she is not bored or asked to write in full its called being modern. And I don't play minecraft but you can play it on windows devices, Android, IOS

I've Been Playing Minecraft Pocket Edition Lately. Its Really Cool. Not as cool as the PC version but still worth playing.

I would have to say Xbox 360 its easier on a controller then on a keyboard and mouse.