When can I expect my iPhone 5 to arrive?

I preordered the new iPhone 5 direct with Orange on Friday, and I was wondering when it will be delivered to me?

I was just wondering - because Carphone warehouse get the deliveries to you by the 21st Sept (launch day) and was wondering if it was the same case.

Wow. Thats cool. And yeah your ryt the iPHONE 5 will be at your doorsteps on 21st september (God willing)

I pre-ordered an iPhone 5 on Friday too. The Verizon store that I pre-ordered said it would probably come on September 21st, but he said that if there's an issue with the amount they have in stock, it'd most likely come the week after the launch date.

I'm guessing that it'd be a similar case with yours? They'll try hard to give the iphone to everyone who made the pre-order the day-of, but if there's a case where they don't have enough in stock, it'll probably come the week after.

Best of luck to us both! Can't wait to use it, it's gonna be my very first smart-phone.

The smallprint on the orange site states "Pre-order online and we'll try to get you your new phone on the launch date (or as soon as possible afterwards - we'll aim for within 30 days)."
So they'll try to get it to you on 21st… Probably depending on how quickly you ordered it. But it could be longer. Start to get excited on the 21st, I'd say within a week you'll have it in your hands. I ordered mine through O2 and it seems that they're not telling us how long to expect until launch day itself! So basically they'll try to get it to you As soon as possible but are covering their own bums just in case!