Where can I buy the following products in Ireland?
Where can I get the following products in Ireland? I don't mind if it's online either. And I want to know where's the cheapest place to buy them!
- Canon/Nikon HD camera
- PINK perfume
- Eos lip balm
- Babylips lip balm
- Maybelline NYC mascara
- Cute bows for your hair
- Infinity tops
- Galaxy pants
- Vans (shoes)
- Toms (shoes)
- Snap backs
- Cute tops
- Cute iPhone cases
- High rise shorts
- Cute jewelry
Babylips lip balm→ http://www.walmart.com/...m/17324484
Eos lip balm→ http://www.walmart.com/...z/15136068
Maybelline MYC mascara→ http://www.walmart.com/...nt=1085666
Galaxy pants→ http://www.ebay.com/...false&var=
Vans→ http://www.vans.com/
Snap backs→ http://www.lids.com/shop/new-snapbacks-caps
Bows→ http://www.claires.com/
Camera→ Not sure which you're looking for but try Walmart.com
Infinity Top→ http://www.etsy.com/listing/122277252/infinity-love-crop-top
Cute tops→ Try Debshops.com, Forever21.com, Charlotterusse.com, Topshop.com
Cute jewelry→ http://www.claires.com/
High rise shorts→ Charlotterusse.com, Forever21.com, Urbanoutfitters.com
Sorry that I couldn't help with the few others. Hope this helped though.
Madelyn, I hate to say it after you did all that good work of looking up links, but NONE of those are available in Ireland except Claire's.
You know to order from the.co.uk site instead of the.ie site if at all possible, right Megan? The euro: pound exchange rate set by the shops means your money almost always goes further when you buy using pounds.
Pixmania will be your best bet for buying the camera. They ship from France. We used to order everything electronic from them. Had enough Pixmania-branded lanyards (one free with every order) to stretch from one side of the wardrobe to the other.
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