Where is the cheapest store to buy a iPhone at brand new? Carriers like version and etc. Are like the most expensive behind Apple?

The only other place I can think of is target/walmart.

As a result, most people who don't want an X or need a new phone right now should consider waiting for the next round of Apple phones, when we… Most carriers have eliminated contract-based subsidized prices, so you can expect to either pay the full price of the phone up front or have the full price split…

Shop around as much as you wish: you'll find that the pricing of Apple products has only tiny variations becaise Apple sets the pricing and allows their resellers very little profit margin to play with.

As long as demand exceed supply, Apple simply don't have to throw profits away on allowing resellers to discount their products.

The only discounting occurs when Apple know they're going to be releasing a new model and want to shift stock which is about to be downgraded or discontinued, or a good few months after the release of some new products when they've already suckered the early adopters who are silly enough to pay even more to secure boasting rights. Those discounts usually are offered to their preferred resellers and that leaves "pile it high, sell it cheap" merchants like Walmart at the back of the queue for stock.

Try Consumer Cellular or cricket.