Which iPhone should I choose?

So, I'm kinda getting like, a gift or something, and the choices are, the iPhone 4S or the iPhone 5, and I need your opinions, oh and I also need the features of both of them if you don't mind.

IPhone 5 has newness to it, greater screen and camera.
But i would rather ask what are my usage and needs?

iPhone 4S is great, and many people reverting back to iPhone 4S from iPhone 5.

iPhone 5 screen is more prone to damages.

Read this report by Los Angel times,
http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-apple-iphone-20130426, 0, 7968879.story

and also about articles for making an informed choice.

From my point of view, you must purchase iPhone 5 because of latest version,
features of iPhone 5 are as follow:
1. No longer a boring grid of static icons, you can now see at a glance what's up.
2. Maps that work.
3. Wireless charging.
4. Fastest LCD refresh rate on the market.
5. Camera image stabilization that works.
6. NFC.
7. Dedicated camera button.
8. Solid construction that resists chipping and scratching.
9. A screen that is larger than 4".
10. A touchscreen that actually works with touch.

features of iPhone 4S are as:

Siri voice recognition
AirPlay Mirroring
Cards app
Find My Friends app
iOS 5 & iCloud support

I think iphone 5 is best option for you.

The 5 of course.


@Raymond: I like the iPhone 5 as much as the next guy, but don't oversell it & state it does things that it doesn't.

The iPhone 5 does not have information at a glance. Same grid pattern of icons.
Yea the maps work, but anyone would admit, even Apple, that it has some work to be done.
It does not have wireless charging
It does not have NFC
It does not have a > 4" display

& all the features you listed of the 4S are also on the 5.

Don't know if you purposely put features it doesn't have or what.

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