Which is better? IPhone 4s or iPhone 5? - 1

I'm getting one next month and I want to know which one seems better.

The new one is always better than the previous generation.

The iPhone 5 is better than the iPhone 4S and comes with extra bragging rights, but the slight improvement over the 4S isn't worth the increase in price. The iPhone 5 is the better of the 2 phones if you don't really care what you're paying, but if you're price conscious like me then go for the iPhone 4S

I personally think that the iPhone 4S is fine as a phone to have. The prices will have gone down due to the release of the iPhone 5 and you can find some really inexpensive second-hand ones, in perfect shape.
After all, it's up to you. If you want to see for yourself, you should go to your nearest Apple store and compare them, or go to Apple.com.

Of course the 5 is the better of the 2.