Which one of these means that my iphone is charging?

Well my charger is starting to have problems so after my phone battery died I'm not sure if it is charging or not.
When does it mean my iphone is charging when it shows a black screen with just a battery symbol or black screen + battery+ plug + lightning bolt up the plug symbol.

Which one of these means that my iphone is charging
Which one of these means that my iphone is charging - 1

You need a new battery.

No you do not need a new battery lol. When your phone dies and you plug it in and press power if your phone is charging it will just show the battery. The battery+Plug+lightning bolt sign means your phone is dead and you need to use the charging cable to charge it.
If you feel your charger isn't working it's best just to get a new one but yes the black screen+battery means your phone is charging just it doesn't have enough battery to turn on yet