White smoke came out of my iphone battery?

So I have a iphone 4s and I accidently poked a hole in the battery and white smoke came out I was wondering will it be safe to charge or turn it on because I need a phone. NO INSULTING answer. If you r going to say something stupid then don't even bother writing anything.

PS I'm not the one who did this

If there's a hole in the battery… It is VERY DANGEROUS and not advisable to charge or use your phone…
I think you should go and repair your phone through warranty or wait till September (rumored) for the Iphone 6 to be released…

I would avoid it, place the phone in a sandwich bag and take it to the apple store. That does not sound safe at all. Your other option would be to upgrade your phone to the iPhone 5s or wait for the 6.

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