Who has an iPhone 5? Is it worth it?

Is it worth me buying, i'm 15 and need a phone before school starts i was thinking the iphone 5, so if there are any iphone 5 users out there please tell me is it worth it and why and your story about your iphone 5 (details about it)

No just bigger screen and better cam

I love my 5 and upgraded to it from the 4S. I would recommend it because of the bigger screen and longer support time.

I don't own an iPhone, but I've used both the 4S and the 5
Its not really worth it, same processor, same support, just a longer screen.

Yes the iPhone 5 is very much worth. Fast, versatile, lightweight

though keep in mind the 5S is expected in early September, in a little under a month from now.

Samsung Galaxy S4 is LOADS better, I used to be an iPhone user then I get a Galaxy S4 and never will go back love the big screen amazing battery life, 13MP camera compared to the iPhones' 8MP Full HD screen iPhone don't have a HD screen because it longer not wider. Quad Core 1.9GHz Processor compared to the iPhone Dual Core 1.2GHz. 2GB RAM compared to the iPhones 1GB, It's better in every way. And it the same price: D