Whts up with the textin problem for iphone 4?
My mom won't receive a text messege from me. Other people DO get my text meseges. But her phone receives text messeges from other people but why not me? I'm not bloked or anything
Btw i'm using an iphone 4
I've an iphone 4 nnverhad a problem with long text messages, ask your mom to contact her phone network, maybe not able to receive long messages or something, maybe its al old phone that can't receive them?
try sending her a multimedia message which allows 1000 characters or something, she might be able to receive it that way
Hmm well I have a iphone 5g. On version 7.2.1.It might work same hold your main button for 2 seconds then let go then tap it twice and a box will pop up and say "allow text to *phone number here*" no stars! Hope it works I had the same problem
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