Why am i being paranoid about my boyfriend cheating?
My boyfriend and i has bad weeks. I asked him if hes seeing someone he got mad and he said that i'm trying to break his nerves. We talked this morning, i told him that i feel so heavy and that hes acting weird. Its been 2weeks now that he asked for space. He said that he is in the period that wants to be alone. He used to call me everyday, and then it became less and less. So finally he sent me a message last night saying to come to his house. So i stayed there overnight. I don't know why i have this in my mind that hes seeing someone.while we were at the car, he got a message, i didn't ask who was it, and he told me it was only a reminder (from iphone) he always put the phone infront of us. I don't know maybe i'm just being paranoid. I don't want to ask him again. What should i do?
Unless there are some signs to cheating, then I'd say you're way too insecure. No wonder he gets mad if you keep asking him if he's seeing someone else. If you're going to be with someone you have to be able to trust them. Has he done anything to cause mistrust? Are you just insecure? Work this out and then apologize to your boyfriend for your questions.
I'm a guy and that means yes there's another girl he is going after. Don't be played.and.chase him, thats what he knows you will do. Your chasing him pushes him away,. But sad to say this even if you stop chasing him he most likely will end your relashionship.
Inore him the way he's ignoring u, the worse thing that a person hates is being ignored. If he sees that you don't care and he still does then he'll start texting or calling more if not he may not be worth the wait.
Either he is cheating!
Or! He is using mind games to control you!
The way he wants you to be!
Cheating in this case can be either that there's something missing that he is not getting.
When people cheat there's something missing in a relationship.
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