Why are basic white girls so superficial and shallow?

For those who are not familiar with the stereotype of a "basic white girl": a white girl
who wears ugg boots, plays with her iPhone all day, takes lots of self-shots that she
posts on Facebook every day and drinks spiced lattes at Starbucks with her friends
every Friday.

Basic white girls like that only date popular tall white guys who are "really hot".
Why do they only care about how tall, white, hot and popular a guy is?

A stereotype is a stereotype. People are different. As a white girl I have no idea what's up with that but tumblr must be at fault for some fkin reason.

Why are you so judgemental?
I mean it. You're judging and stereotyping a lot of people! And if you can be like that, they can be shallow.

Cuz day don't be know'n how to bootyclap.

Wow, some white girls enjoy Starbucks and have a particular clothing style? How devastating. Gosh, what a valid reason to assume and judge their character. It's not as though a significant amount of people with different genders and skin colors do those EXACT same things, right? It's just white teenage girls who do it and get an overwhelming amount of hate for it? Cool, that's what I thought.

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