Why are iphones stil so popular when there so many better phones out there?

Ios is stale and boring its been almost exactly the same since the original iPhone. Even if you jailbreak it the features you get with jailbreak you can get with a non rooted android phone

IPhones are easy to use and look good. There are phones that can do much more but the majority of people don't know how to use them.

Because iPhones are still the better phones.

The performance, app selection, build quality, battery life, updates & therefore sales are better.

Sure boring to some but they are actually very stable, reliable devices. We're talking no lag and virtually seamless and almost perfect fluid technology. However after time androids start to fail, they get over used and the processors can't handle everything we make them do. My keyboard on my HTC Evo lags all the time, and sometimes my screen transitions are so slow and I don't even have that much stuff on my phone and I've never rooted it. They are getting better day by day though, hopefully in the near future we'll have an android phone that is and will be consistently will be as seamless as the iPhone.

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