Why do so many kids have phones?

I'm 15 with a flip phone and I'm not even complaining. There's kids at my school with the latest iPhones and a lot of them don't even pay for it. My mom won't let me buy any phone I want until I'm 18. Is she strict or are these parents just spoiling them?

Don't worry about it: those people who text for a living are losers. You ain't missing much; The average text line is really stupid and means virtually nothing in the scheme of things.

I'd say she's kind of strict or being cheap. I had to go through the same thing in high school. I'm 20 now but i didn't have a phone like others still… After i graduated lol, i had a flip phone up until i was 17 and then a tablet and i'd use that for my social media and then i got an ipod after that and got my first iphone (which doesn't have service, i use Wi-Fi) last year. My mom is cheap so she won't bother paying or has ever bothered to pay. I'm older now, i can survive with just Wi-Fi but when i get a job, i will pay for my own phone.

I'm 14 I have an iPhone 6Plus. But at the moment I'm grounded do to my 'bad behavior'. I think the reason why so many kids have phones and electronics is because it's not so much because it's a "trend" but I guess cause it's the new norm. But I personally think that your parents are a little strict but also a lot of kids are spoiled. Cause since I've had may phone taken away I've felt better and being more respectful and less bratty. Though, I feel very left out because I have no clue what's happening on all my social media basses.

Omg I'm wondering the same thing. I'm 18 and I don't even have a proper phone. Actually no phone.

Maybe your parents don't like the idea of giving their 15year old a $500 piece of equipment to lose or to break. Or maybe they can't afford the $500 equipment, plus the $100 bill for using it every month. Maybe they don't want the arguments and strife that many families suffer over their 15year olds buying apps and in-game purchases. Or maybe they want you to understand that just because you can afford something doesn't mean it's a good idea to get it. Or just because everybody else has something doesn't mean it's a good idea to get it. The other kids probably aren't getting that lesson - you'll be better off because you ARE getting it.

She's either strict, doesn't have the money for it or doesn't want to pay for it, because I'm 17 and I've had a smartphone since I was 11 and my sister is 10 and has one

I think those parents are just spoiling them

I don't think any kid should have a cell phone before age 15 or 16

I got an iphone when I was 15. At this point having the latest iphone isn't a big deal. Everyone has one. A lot of phone carriers have payment plans where you can pay off the phone each month or get an upgrade so it is affordable for most people.

The other parents are spoiling their kids and they don't even know it.