Why are kids so spoiled now a days?

It just bugs me out so much I'm 13 and i don't have a phone or tablet or any expensive crap except a computer my whole family shares. At school i do glee and i see 10 year olds with iPhones and they have like the iphone 5 and whatnot. This kid even brings her ipad to school and she is 10 too. Does anyone agree because i understand if you get your kid a flip phone so he or she can call you to pick them up from friends house or school etc but i mean they are 10 with iphones

You know what you should do?

… You should steal the iPhones of the 10 year olds and steal thats kids iPad that she brings to school to teach all of them a lesson, a lesson that they're too young to be prancing around with these expensive gadgets.

In 20 years those kids who have the iphones will have brain tumors. Consider yourself lucky.

Just let those kids live their lives. I don't mean to sound rude, but you sound a little envious. Let their parents deal w/ their spoiled behavior.

Because many kids have both or single parent working. In other words, the kids and the parents doesn't get to see each other often. Working parents make up for it, by spoiling them.

You're "13"? Ask your parents!

Flip Phones are pretty much obsolete now, so it makes sense that you'll see people around your age with mostly Iphones or anything modern in today's time. The only difference is when kids when kids get a phone they usually use it for fun stuff, which that is what most kids do. You sound more like your envious about not having those things like the kids in your school.

Just like what Babyface said, it sounds as if you want an iPhone just because you want to fit in, and you're jealous of 10 years olds having them. In my opinion, you should get one if you are going to use it to it's full use. You might as well have a flip phone for all the basic things you probably use it for. You don't just need an iPhone to be able to text easily. You can have a cheap Samsung or something like that. To me, that sounds perfect for you.

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