Why are Persians so successful?

Okay so I live in the United States and in California. Their are a lot of Persian people at my school and they're not poor. They look upper-middle class to wealthy. They wear really good quality expensive clothes, Iphones, dive nice cars like Mustangs and BMW's. I realize that it's not the people at my school it's their parents. Like they have so much success where they drop a ton of money on their kids.

They are Shahs of Sunset, that's why.

Because the ones who left Iran and settled in North America tend to be the well-off ones. If you go to Iran, that's usually not the case, except maybe in northern Tehran…

Ever heard of "crème de la crème" and "Cherry picking"?

Those Iranians in US are the ones who were the richest of all back in Iran.

Because they work their butts off to get far in life. Yes, I'm saying that as a persian who has a lot of successful persian friends and family

They are those who looted some of their country's budgets and escaped to the foreign countries. They have never been qualified to gain those moneys. At other words they are thieves!

as you might know if you are really around them. They really suck at science, mathematics and physics. The only thing they are good at is puffing that their relatives are working at NASA while in facts they are at best case qualified to be dump sweepers!

over al Iranians are ONLY god at lying and exaggerating. They even call themselves as Aryans!

who ever says that "Iranians are hard working" either has never seen any Iranians or is just ranting. Its a part of Iranian culture to evade working and trying to achieve every thing by cheating. Iranian people are extremely opportunistic and its a FACT.

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