Why aren't my ebay items selling?

I just recently started selling iphone 5 cases on ebay and they are not doing so well any tips to get them to sell. Http://www.ebay.com/itm/200949610565?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/...1558.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/...1558.l2649

Becasue no one wants to buy them. Perhaps they are too expensive.

My best suggestion is put your item in eBay.com, actually you will be getting 50 free auction listing every month in ebay.com so you will be having no insertion fee even. When you put your items in ebay.com go for world wide shipping.
put good title, good photos and good description. Defiantly you will get response.

IPhones break easy and people want durability like the Otterbox

Well, you have '0' feedback and no DSR score.

You have no feedback so maybe some are apprehensive about purchasing from such sellers.

but more than likely it is because the market for the cases are so saturated that people don't even see your listings. You are newbie so ebay buries you behind all the other sellers

also the prices on other cases are lower.

only tip i can give you (though it won't help much in this case because you chose to stock items that are hard to sell at a decent price), is to use up your title space with words related to your item (don't use spam words though because it will get your listing taken down).

for instance, you can title it: IPhone 5 Black White Zebra Stripe Animal Protective Skin Rubber Case

just look at the competition to get some ideas

If you really have no feedback and selling history, that would be a massive turnoff for so many potential customers. Consider selling 5 or 6 to family and friends (via eBay of course). Set eBay accounts up for them if you need to.

Also, consider dropping your price in the early stages to be more appealing.

Add worldwide postage options as well and think what people are looking for when they do a search. For example, most people want things tomorrow. Have you set the settings so people can see they get it tomorrow?

Consider adding a subtitle to the text to give some other Unique Selling Point about your cases.

Finally, I think products that have free shipping are ranked higher by eBay so that will probably help you too.

Make sure you get a nice photo in too.

And consider adding listing as many items as you can. The more products that eBay show are your, the more you'll probably sell.

Also, many people order the products by cheapest first (inc p&p) and filter the results so it only shows products that are located in their own country. Do such a search yourself and if you make sure your product(s) come top of the pile, I'm sure you'll start kicking ***.

Even consider selling at a loss for the first few days if you need to as that could be money well spent to build you status up.

Also… Everyone is effectively buying blind on eBay, so give them some reassurances (esp. In the title / subtitle) that yours are quality items.