Why can't I delete songs from my iPhone 4?

Okay, so I got a replacement phone a few months back and i was never able to transfer my music. I took it to an Apple store and they basically said there was nothing they could do. And that I would have to re-download all of my 500 and something songs again one by one. So I've just been without music for a while. I just started to re-download some of my music, but I couldn't just manually add songs like I used to. I have to perform a sync. I did that, and now I can't edit or delete any of the music. This is becoming extremely annoying, and it's making me not even want an iPhone anymore. I don't see anything point in taking it back to Apple because they're very unhelpful. Especially when it comes to things like this. Any help would be extremely appreciated.

You can edit what songs you want it to sync playlist wise as a wide range. Or you can go through your songs and uncheck everything you don't want on your phone (the check mark in the box).

500 songs huh? Have fun

Thats weird, contact Apple

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