Why did Apple always put the price of their products very high?

I know they produced amazing gadgets but why they have to be so expensive? But still, many people still wanted to buy their products. Even I also love Apple and using iPhone 5 right now, but it was like addiction. Why?

The products aren't cheep to make

They charge a premium because that's what they've always done. Their products are no better (internally) than any other. The reason people went all nuts for iPhone is because it's most people's first experience on a smartphone. Much to do with ignorance of existing better products. Back in 05 they didn't subsides smartphones.

And the success of Apple with the iPhone is 100% cell phone subsidies from network carriers. Nobody is paying 650 for a phone. But 99 or 199, absolutely. Even 99 cents for older models.

But their laptops are in the ball park of other premium laptops.

Well, lets think about this nice and slow… If I have a cinnamon bun that costs 10 dollars and 5 people buy it, I make 50 dollars. However, if I do some research and realize that the same amount of people will buy it even if I raise the price… Then I make more money!

Did you enjoy your simple economics lesson?

And with regards to phones, Apple's prices are NO higher than any other phone company. Their laptops are and thats about it.

Apple makes a 20-30% margin on their iphone… At least up until the iphone 5. Not sure about the new line…

And they can charge so much beacuse they have a cult following from people who know nothing about technology but think owning an Apple product is cool and artsy.

It's all simple economics. Their demand is high, so they can charge a higher price. Samsung and HTC also have phones in the same price range, though.

Other high end phones also charge just as much. You can get 4S free on a 2 year contract if you are looking for low end.