Why do I get sorta sad whenever I see people drive nice new cars that I'll never be able to afford?
Or have the new iPhone and Apple Watch that I can't afford
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
Do not get sad. Just rob them for their car and phone 😀
Apple watches are hideous and cars depreciate as soon as you drive them off the lot. Real estate is better, but you probably don't have a house, either. I'd give you a hug if you weren't so poor.
Your ego driven and they out performed you
In that area. Shift your focus away from impressing people and focus on getting stuff
Done that will help you get more money
With more skills and experience and a higher
Paying job or career. You gotta get dirty
Working long hours to become someone
Big companies want to hire or pay lots
Of money to.
The more of the world you take, the more it takes if you. So if karma doesn't exist, what are they doing in order to afford contemporary things?
Which really are not affordable
I know. We all do. But you're young(I'm guessing), at least you have a chance to work and get them. I'm old and I will never have them. 😡
It's called envy and it's a bad habit to get into.
- Will I be able to see my pictures when I get a new phone? Hi, so I'm getting a new phone soon (an iPhone) and I was wondering if when I sign in to iCloud, will my pictures, notes, and contacts be there? Just wondering.
- Why people like iPhones? I can't never get people who like iphones to give a good reason, why? Some say it easy, but a lot have no clue on how to use their own phones. Can someone explain something useful that great about iphone? Everything they think is special other phones have been doing for years.
- Why do some people on Welfare have nice and fancy things? I don't get it. I have a friend who's family is on welfare, but they all have Iphones, 5 flat screen tv's, and very nice cars. They just bought their 3rd car, and it's a 2013 Camaro. Doesn't it mean when you're on welfare that you're barley making ends meet?
- Why do poor people care more about their image and buying nice clothes than feeding their family or paying bills? I see tons of poor people who make less than 20k a year spending their entire income on nice clothes and shoes and purses and makeup. Their children are starving they can't even afford to use the air conditioner or pay for electricity but they absolutely need to buy a new iPhone or a new pair of high heels