Why do Liberal anti-capitalist protesters protest while wearing GAP clothing, Nike Shoes, have a iPhone and holding a Starbucks coffee?

Why do Liberal anti-capitalist protesters protest while wearing GAP clothing, Nike Shoes, have a iPhone and holding a Starbucks coffee?


Cos it's easy to buy what else can you do

Why do blue trolls whine so much?

Lol. Erm, perhaps because they are incredible hypocrites?

Don't forget… Plugging into coffee shop pastry Wi-Fi's with their laptops getting out of their BMW's in the parking lot.

Because me wearing a cloth around my gentials would have me arrested if not killed.

Or wearing my old teenage kungfu outfit to work.

Or any other clothing that's not "westernized".

You can't escape capitalism in a capitalistic country.

Those companies are solid with the Progressive Movement
They'll survive when Big Brother seizes all private property

You would prefer that they protest naked?

I'm a moderate capitalist, but I admit that are some soviets and other commies inventions that you use, Ilook on wikiepdia soviets inventions.
I'm not a russian or liberal, or soviet.

You're premise is false.

These protesters are not at all anti-capitalist. They just want to see capitalism show a little more heart. They all work good jobs and pay taxes and many served in the military. They think capitalism has a little room to help the disadvantaged.

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