Why do people always want the new thing?

So the new iPhones are coming out soon and I'm sure they will sell millions upon millions even though basically its the same as a normal iPhone 5 just with a different home button, different colours and its default is ios7 which will be on the iPhone 5 too.
Why bother paying more for something similar. It works though for apple. A new iPhone seems to be released every 6 months now but people still get it. Seems pointless but yeah, just thought I'd ask

It's because we're identified with them.
Social status, status quo, keeping up with the Jones ECT.
It's also a sign of unhappiness as we continue to seek happiness outside of ourselves and each other. (All material things are temporal)

"Materialism, attachment to things of the world, includes pride. Many religious people suffer from pride: taking pleasure or even delight in being good, or religious."
― Idries Shah, Sufi Thought and Action

It started with a thought,
which became an idea,
which became a rocket ship
I used to escape my questioning heart.

Attached to my temporal body
And the Atman
confounds itself with the
psycho-physical organism.

My Immutable spirit
is searching this miasmic
enacted darkness
of the playground in the shadow.

And the decimation of my cosmos
Sucked me into a state
Of an obsolete heart
Where devils impart

When darkling thoughts
insidiously infuse my mind
and I'm lost in the obfuscation
of forgetfulness.

It light years ahead of 5. The fact you think its the same tells me you simply know nothing about it.

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