Why do people buy ipods if they already have an iphone?
Why do people buy ipods if they already have an iphone?
The iPhone stores heaps of data like apps, contacts, messages, photos and videos etc. And they may not have enough room for all their music as well. Or they just want both? Haha
It would probably depend on which iPod - the Classic has way more room. An extra device can be a pain, but considering how often they need to be recharged when used as a phone, saddling an iPhone with video, gaming and music will reduce its effectiveness even more.
For music and video, any smartphone and iPod is a waste because even many basic phones can handle that.
They have oodles of extra money they want to spend on themselves.
Very light and portable (so are iPhones, but lighter and thinner), dedicated to usually a few things i.e. Games, music, movies.
Better battery life, so use iPod for entertainment and iPhone for texting/calling.
Maybe iPhone is for work, and iPod is just for pure convenience/personal.
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