Why do people like to hate on iPhones?

Almost every video comparing an iPhone to an android or a windows phone. The opposing phone always wins and all of the comments are like "anythings better than Ishit" like seriously… What's so bad about iPhones and apple products.

There's nothing bad about them to be honest,
some people say they are bad because they can't afford them for example and they don't want to admit it so they become haters and some people don't know how to work them either and become frustrated.
there are haters and loves
that's life
there's nothing wrong with apple.

Nothing's bad about them, just the androids and other smart phones have taken the iPhones faults and made them "better". However the "improved faults" don't necessarily work and therefore make them very much similar to the iPhone.plus the androids are cheaper and are perceived as better phones when in reality they're all basically the same.

As the first answer said.People hate them because they can only afford a Samsung. SOUR GRAPES.

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