Why do people want to get the latest technology?

I still have an iPhone 4S, it's working fine except the home button is messed up but I can live with it. Because the phone can still be used to call and do what phones do. Why do people feel the need to buy the latest Phone when they don't need it?

Peer pressure. They feel the need to be better than others or fit in with others and they think that if they have the latest phone, car etc. They'll be cool and people will finally look up to them or they'll fit in. Keep your Iphone because you'll just be wasting your money on an Iphone 6 in a year or so…

It's like asking why people buy jewelry. Has no functional purpose, but it is a matter of status.

So saying that, I personally tend to hold of buying the latest and greatest, and go with the proven and tested tech. The reliable stuff that will be here for the long term instead of the latest fad.

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