Why do so many people live off welfare?
Before I start to rant, I'm not saying anything bad about welfare for people who NEED it, it's for all the lazy people who pop out a kid left & right, & use it as an excuse. Did you know my mom died when giving birth to my youngest brother, there's 7 of us kids & my dad has 3 jobs but it doesn't even pay all the bills. When my dad got laid off from one of them, the government WOULDN'T GIVE US JUST A LITTLE Help TIL MY DAD COULD FIND ANOTHER JOB. So we went sometimes without heat or something. Then I go to the store & see people on there IPHONES paying with food stamps. Tell me how they could live off the government & get iPhones & probably everything else that they want, when half the time I don't even have heat or a decent dinner. OH YEAH I'VE BEEN EATING RAMEN NOODLES & CABBAGE (yuck) the past 2 weeks for dinner. Ugh. I don't mean to go on about that, & I'm not looking for attention or pity. I just can't stand people who abuse welfare cause there too lazy to work when there's people who actually need it, but can't get it. *** the government
They're lazy. They lie about a lot of things too. For example, some women lie about being single moms and hide the fact that they do have a man.
There are "peoples" who have raised generations off of a portion of others work… Kinda like politicians.
It's the government's fault. Instead of giving foodstamps to those that are making an effort to get off their *** and work, they give foodstamps to those who know how to work the system.
The welfare system is designed to make people lazy and depend on it rather than get a job and make LESS than what the government pays.
For example, a woman makes $9.25 per hour. In my state she is eligible for $300 in foodstamps and medical insurance for her kid and herself. $1480 per month. Let's say she gets a 50 cent raise. $9.75 per hour. This puts her over income so now she is not eligible for foodstamps nor is she eligible for medical insurance. $1560-$300 is now $1260. Plus she nows has to pay her insurance. I should know this. This was my scenario. Does it make sense? It's nothing to do with laziness. Why work for less if you get more from welfare? It's a stupid system. The government should do a serious overhaul.
I'm now welfare free make great money and I speak from experience.
Capitalism needs and breeds unemployment. It's not that people are too lazy, but the way jobs are handed out. We could all live quite comfy lives working 20 hours a week, but because we worship competition, some people work 60 hours a week, while others don't even get a chance.
btw, nobody lives "off the government".It's not the government that built your house, grew your food or got up at 1 AM to bake your bread. It's humans who do those things
- Why people like iPhones? I can't never get people who like iphones to give a good reason, why? Some say it easy, but a lot have no clue on how to use their own phones. Can someone explain something useful that great about iphone? Everything they think is special other phones have been doing for years.
- Why do some people on Welfare have nice and fancy things? I don't get it. I have a friend who's family is on welfare, but they all have Iphones, 5 flat screen tv's, and very nice cars. They just bought their 3rd car, and it's a 2013 Camaro. Doesn't it mean when you're on welfare that you're barley making ends meet?
- Why do some people abuse the welfare system by? Spending the money to get their nails done and dinner at Ryan's but feed their kids ramen noodles while they have an iPhone 5c and a gucci bag? Should they have the children's needs met first? I'm 20 and this makes me a little angry. Welfare should only be for those that actually need it same with ebt and disability.
- Why do people who don't need welfare have it? I know someone who has an iPhone, expensive clothes, a huge house, and a lot of money and she is on welfare and she does NOT need it, she is also on food stamps. And me. My family makes less than 15k a year and is not on welfare or food stamps and my single mother has a job. How the heck does this happen?