Why does my data in iPhone do that?

So I got an iPhone about a month ago. I have the data plan of 300MB. I have been in my house all week with Wi-Fi. I randomly check my usage and data. I'll notice I waste some of my data. I don't know how I can if I've been in my house with Wi-Fi.

It might be the push notifications that you have from the application. Some applications leave a low amount of data running to update itself such as e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Try turning off your push notifications when you are not using Wi-Fi, so you would use less data. Also, the visual voicemail (transcripts, and the ability to select which voicemail to listen to) uses data for iPhone also. Hope that helps.

Most likely directly when you keep your phones screen locked for some time, what happens is the Wi-Fi disconnects, if that happens, and you quickly go onto facebook, or any other social media website, without the Wi-Fi loading, it uses your data instead of Wi-Fi, until your next screen lock.

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