Why does my iPhone say up to date when iOS 6 is out today?

I checked for system updates and it says version 5.whatever is up to date. It's the 19th iOS 6 came out today. My iPhone is lying to me. In fact, developers were getting copies of ios 6 all summer. Out or not, if 6 exsists somewhere, even in a workstation in Cupertino than iOS 5 is not up to date. It should read, "Version 5 is obsolete but nah nah can't have 6 yet!"

Because apple is the biggest piece of dickshittt in this planet.

Mmm iOS6 have not being released yet… If you survived all this time with iOS5.1.1 i'm sure you won't die for having to wait a couple more hours for iOS6 to be released… Jeez!

Developers got a copy because they paid $100 to become a developer. They got all the betas. It's still 3am. It won't be out till the 10am. Relax kid

Yes it releases today, but it won't be available for a few more hours. So technically your iPhone is up to date.

The iPhone isn't lying.iOS 6 has not come out yet. It is 6:02am in Cupertino. Apple would likely release it when it is 10:00am there, as they have done in the past with the major iOS releases.

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