Why does my life keep getting worse?

I have no friends and I always get into fights with my family members. My mom and dad hates me. Last week my dad smashed my iphone for playing too long on it. All the home invasion scenes that I cause and I get bullied at school a lot screw it. My parents recently kicked me out of the house recently and now I'm officially homeless. **** my turdy *** life, I can't get any ideas from nobody. Fyi: my grades are trash and can't get a damn job, and I'm already 16, haven't made a cent yet in this cruel world. My parents still buy stuff for me. Someone give advice to help me improve

Well maybe stop getting into fights with your parents and they might let you come back home. What did you expect was gonna happen if you keep getting into fights? Stop being a dumb kid and learn to control your anger, anger and fighting will only make your life worse. Go apologize to your parents if you don't wanna be homeless

Cause you got unlucky, call cps if you need sonnewhere to stay

At 16, you are still not an adult & your PARENTS are your parents & are control of your life. They are looking out for your best interest because YOU NEED THEM TO.

Here is the deal! What you are doing is obviously not working. 16 is a very pivotal age to simply get on the right track for the rest of your life. You seem like very intelligent young person and totally are in control to stop your rebellion of to parents and in control of getting good grades at school.

Stop the nonsense before it is too late!

Look into getting a GED so you can be finished with high school. Then if you're not "college material" get into a vocational program so you'll someday be able to support yourself. You'll get nowhere in life without at least a vocational certificate. But the good news is that a decent plumber can earn as much as an entry level MBA. So worry more about your future and less about your present.