Why does my Wi-Fi on my iphone go in and out?
On my iphone, I go to the setting to look at Wi-Fi. It says "netgear" my Wi-Fi that i have at the house then a few minutes later it switches to disconnect for about 2 or 3 seconds? Does anyone know what the problem is? I mean i had a problem before where it completely couldnt find Wi-Fi at all and the guy at appl told me that the Wi-Fi adapter inside the phone might went out so… Do you think the same problem is happing again? Where the adaptor is going out or is there another problem or is this normal?
You are probably at the edge of your Wi-Fi range, and the Wi-Fi sensor in the iPhones are absolutely awful, so simply moving your router would probably fix your problem. If not, then just get a new phone from Apple, they don't seem to mind giving them out too much
Because it's an iPhone
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