Why does the uk seem governed by globalism and corporations now?

Britain has changed so much. Mass immigration which has transformed the country greatly… And so many american programs and adverts on television now… Everyone has an apple iphone and is glued to it… Big corporations are everywhere… Parts of the nhs being privatized.

is anyone depressed by any of this? Britain has changed beyond all recognition.

You have climbed on your hamster wheel again and repeating the same nonsense you have always repeated many times over before… It 'seems' like this because you are fix focused on what YOU think, what YOU watch, and what YOU are told by far right wing extremes, not what is reality or fact

I do notice that a lot of people around the world really like British cars.

It's a bit odd for Brits to be concerned about their country's focus on international commerce, isn't it? That's what has been running and building the country since the 1500s. Basically, England/Wales and Great Britain INVENTED globalism, co-option of government by corporations, AND a polyglot, commerce-oriented populace. It hasn't been agrarian, pastoral, tree-worshiping Britain for around a half-millennium, now.

Welcome to the modern era… When things change virtually overnight. This is one result of having far more scientists and engineers worldwide and trading products with us than existed when I was young some decades ago. More research = more new stuff = change at faster rate.

of course, iPhone sells because people really like the feature set. Enough to pay fairly big money via the installment plan. [that 'phone' costs more than a quite capable laptop computer]