Why does Verizon not want people to buy the iphone?

Last time i went to buy a new phone I was going to buy the iphone but got persuaded into buying a droid incredible at the verizon wireless store. I didn't really like it to much but anyways, yesterday I went to get a new phone 2 years later and set out to get an iphone 5. They persuaded me so much and almost harassed me not to get the iphone at Verizon Wireless. I ended up getting the Iphone anyways but i wonder why they don't want people to buy iphones and rather them to get droids. My father had the same thing happen to him. He wanted to buy an iphone but go talked into getting a droid. Does anyone know why Verizon pushes people to get droids and not iphones? The iphone 5 Is great lol

They wan't you to get a Droid because they get more money from Droid's than iPhone's.

They want you to but the droid

Verzon has to subsidize every phone. It pays the most to subsidize the iphone and pays less to subsidize droid devices.

It may just be the employee who doesn't want you to get the iPhone because of their own opinion. They may hate Apple or the iPhone and simply don't want to sell the iPhone. Or it could be that the person in charge of that Verizon store doesn't want the iPhone to be sold.

Simple, because sales people will provide you with what "they" feel is the best phone. Just because you sell phones doesn't mean that you will like all the phones out there, and many sales people don't like iPhones for whatever personal reason they may have. Think about it, they are trying to sell you something. Either way you look at it, the phone is subsidized, regardless if it's an Apple or Droid, so either way Verizon as a whole doesn't make many off of it until you have fulfilled your contract.