Why is my phone broken and what should i do?
Ok so recently i got pretty frustrated and threw my phone at the floor and then it just instantly turned off i realized my mistake then it turned on i felt relieved and then started using my phone again well 2 minutes later powered off the iphone logo appeared then my phone turned off again i'm just wondering what could i do to fix this i have a phone 7
Take anger management classes - then buy a new phone.
Get a new one if they gave you money.
Take it to the Apple store and get an estimate.
Why is it broken? You threw it at the floor
What should I do? Buy a new phone and treat it better. Maybe take some anger management classes as well
It is broken because you are an impatient idiot.
What you should "do" is Without A Phone.
This is a question that you ask but also answer at the same time:
Why is my phone broken - ok so recently i got pretty frustrated and threw my phone at the floor.
Either Apple (if you have AppleCare) or a local 3rd party Apple repair shop should look to repair it if you have no service provider or other insurance cover.
If you have insurance for accidental damage then it potentially could have fallen out of you shirt pocket when you bent over to get something.
Sounds like the force of the throw was enough to loosen internal delicate wiring connecting the battery or the screen, but not break the screen.
You already answered the first question when you said you threw it across the room. It might be a little pricey to repair it. I'd just get a replacement. I once dropped one of my phones from about chest height and it landed face-down on the hard floor. No damage on the phone itself on the outside, but the connection for the display became loose. It did start working again later on, but eventually I did have to get rid of it. I wiped the phone while I could still manage to do so, and sold it on eBay for cheap. I figured someone would either use it for parts or be able to fix it if they knew how, and then they'd have a really nice phone for much cheaper than usual. I was in the market for a new phone anyhow. But man, I loved that Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini.
Take it
Well first you should think before you do. Calm down in whatever situation you are in and breath. Having a iPhone is a big responsibility and expensive. Treat the things you have with care. Your parents paid it and put a lot of effort to get it for you. Or if you pay it even more. You can't fix it so you will probably have to deal with it until you get a new one or ask your parents for another one or a cheaper phone till then.
Call your provider
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