Why Is My Police Scanner Offline?

I live in Fenton Michigan, and I always have my police scanner on every night. Well tonight I went on the app on my iPhone and tried going onto my local police departments scanner feed, but it says that it's offline? I just want to know the possible reasons this could be, and also how long do you think it will take to get restored?

Did you get slammed by the ice storm like we did in Lansing? That might have something to do with it. The Fenton police aren't sending it to your scanner app. There's a guy in a house somewhere decoding it and sending it to you. He might be down. See if the feed is working on the internet? The feed will have a web page someplace that you can go to that might tell about the outage. I'd start here: http://www.tctimes.com/live_scanners It looks like the server at http://audio.moses.bz/393-trs is down. He's the guy sending out the feed. Here is info on moses.bz but there isn't enough to get his phone number: http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=express&host=moses.bz

Scanner feeds on scanner apps are provided by individuals who stream live scanner audio from their scanners.

Most of the scanner feeds come from RadioReference/Broadcastify.

The scanner feed may be offline due to power outages, internet outages, scanner issues, or other issues. Knowing when it will be back up is impossible unless you know the person providing the scanner feed.

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