Why is the Bible one of the most downloaded APP on the iphone?

A. Because it's true
B. Because it's accurate
C. Because it's awesome
D. Because Jesus lives.

E. Because people are gullible idiots

E. Don't know, don't care.

E. Because idiots will fall for anything.

E. Because Christians don't know where the book store is.

Here is a loving hug and a blessing from god just for you.-Jesus Christ

In that case angry birds must be god

A. Same as "all of the beneath."

A, b, c, d all of the above

You never seem to tire of humiliating yourself with your imaginary nonsense and outright lies. But i guess that what you were trained to do.

remember little boy… Lying for jesus is still just lying.

Angry Birds is the top paid app, so that means it's more real than the Bible!

E. Because it's hilarious.
I downloaded Grimms fairytales for the same reason!

E. Because it is free and having it makes lots of people feel less guilty about not ever reading it.

It is also the least used app.


John Popelish

The Bible gives us wonderful principles to live by.