Why won't he text back even if he reads them it takes two seconds?

We both have an iphone and so does my fella, i text him and it tells me he is read them, even if there are really cute texts its rare he will text back and i don't understand why? He replies to other people he reads them.
my friend was with me last night and was texting him and he was replying to her and ignoring me?
why is this? I don't get it?

He probably doesn't like you. I think!

Bcz you text him All the time and he thinks you have gone psycho beatch. RED ALERT! RED ALERT!
I never understand all this. How will he ever have time to think about you if you never leave him alone…

If you give a boy too much attention, he won't give you his. You may be a little clingy? Anyway, basically, if I were you, I would stop texting him all together and then wait a couple days and then he'll be texting you and you'll reply… 20 minutes after you've seen the text with simple responses and then the roles will be reversed. Did that make sense?