Why won't my texts go through?

I haven't been able to contact my friend in about 2 weeks. I mean everytime i send a text i get a message saying "This Customer you are trying to reach is temporarily out of service MSG 2110" Can't call her eithetr. She can only get texts from other iphones but no other androids. She has paid her phone bill. She said she wasn't blocking me and i was wondering if there was a fix for it? It all started after she updated to ios7

She should check her settings.

Other than that, it sounds as if perhaps her service is suspended. You can still text other iPhones through iMessage if you have a Wi-Fi connection even if your service is suspended.

"It all started after she updated to iOS7." While I'm not normally one to jump to conclusions, this one seems like a no brainer. IOS7 has been out something like 25 days and has been patched twice. It's probably an iOS7 problem. The girl with the iPhone should report the problem to Apple and to her carrier… Sprint based on the MSG number.

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