Why would a parent give their 24 year old daughter with a kid money when she doesn't work or attend college?

I'm 24 and it makes me mad when older people spoil adults my age. If I want a pair of nice shoes and stuff I buy them. I do not drive an SUV and I can't even afford to get dental work that I need because of lack of insurance and my parents do not have it. I will have to borrow money to earn an education unless I can get financial aid and scholarships. There are days that I feel Jesus hates me. It would be nice if I could get a breast reduction, my wisdom teeth out, and some fillings done. I live in Alabama and just trying to go to xray tech school but I may end up looking into the military. The woman with a kid should be forced to work and she is married. I'm still a virgin. There should be a federal law that states that nobody after age 21 should be receiving financial help unless they truly need it and nobody needs the IphoneXR.

Some families are just like that… Whether they're enabling or not, that is up to them and their business. If they can afford to be a family that is generous with each other and is caring enough to be, that is up to them. Some are more fortunate like that in terms of family wealth or a family that is rather giving… Sucks for the many who don't have that in their life, but it doesn't do anyone any good to hate on those that do.

Because families look out for each other. Parents also love their children and want what is best for them that sometimes means giving them money when they're in need.

Sure you shouldn't enable your children in being lazy, but it's hard for many parents to watch their kid suffer.

Whoever told you that life was fair lied to you.

It is call guilt or co-dependency and I think you are just jealous thou are not getting the same benefits as others.

Just be proud youre not like them
