Wi-Fi turned off for no reason?

A few minutes ago I was on the Internet on my iphone and the Wi-Fi just randomly turned off and disappeared from the Wi-Fi choices I have. I checked on my ps3 and it won't connect either. Or on our laptop. The bill is paid and our tv is working so I don't know what's going on. We have Comcast as our Internet provider. Our Wi-Fi name is called 'home-7F08' if that helps.what's going on?

That comcast lag (in the Chris Smoove voice). YouTube Chris smoove comcast lag. It will explain it all. NOW GIMME BA!

Even if you didn't pay your bill, your devices should still connect to your wireless router and see it on the list of available Wi-Fi networks. If all of your devices disconnected at the same time, then your router probably died or if you are lucky, it got unplugged. See if you can plug something into the ethernet ports on your router and if the internet works that way, then the wireless on your router is broken.

Do you have any devices connected via Ethernet? Do they work?

It sounds like your wireless stopped working or you lost your Internet connection completely.

In either case I would power cycle your equipment.

Unplug power cables on the modem and router.

First plug in the modem and wait a minute or two to establish a Internet connection.

Now plug in the router and reboot your computer to have the DHCP service assign a new IP.

Test your Internet connection.http://speedtest.net

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