Will AT&T give me a new iPhone?
Ok so my iPhone recently just quit working. It won't turn on, charge, or connect to iTunes. It's just completely dead. I've had it for six months and it has a one year warranty. So will AT&T give me a phone for free or make me pay for a new one?
Technically they should. But with my experience of my fiancé working for AT&T and us having a plan with them, they'll probably find a way to screw you over. They'd rather lose a customer than give away free money. Best luck though.
Yup They Should. Since You have the warranty. If they don't go on on YouTube to see how to take your back off and go to batteries plus and get a battery.
- Will they give me a new iPhone? - 1 Hi so I recently got the new iPhone 5 and I noticed that right out of the box there was some dust in the camera and now I saw that there's a black blob right when I want to take a picture, if I go to apple will they give me a new phone or a refurbished one? And will all my info be transferred?
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