Will I have 4gb after my plan renews?

I'm currently on the go phone 60 dollar monthly plan with unlimited text, call, and 2gb of data. I have an iPhone 5c and i ended up using all of my data before it renews. So I added two more gb. I was wondering if they will let me keep the 4gb. I don't think two gb is enough. Ps: I don't have internet at home so I use my data a lot. But I think imma conserve it this time

If you pay the additional $10 per GB fee than yes you get 4gb if you pay $80 for the whole plan.

If you pay for it, then yeah you can keep it. But like, if you want to conserve it, an easy way is to not watch youtube a lot, because that's one of the fastest ways to use up data. Maybe go to a friend's house or starbucks and use the internet there, if you don't have internet at your house.

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