Will my iphone use up data if?

I'm only using Wi-Fi? Does Wi-Fi prevent the use of data on the iphone for apps such as netflix, pandora radio, and others?

Most of those apps can only be used with Wi-Fi.

to answer your question, if you're using Wi-Fi, then your iphone will not use any data. If you want to be extra safe about data usage, you can always go to settings - general - cellular data - and then press the button to off. Good thing to know if you plan on traveling to another country and don't want to pay up the wazoo for data usage.

You wouldn't consume data from your data plan if you are on Wi-Fi. However some Wi-Fi networks do prevent video or audio streaming apps like Netflix, pandora, Hulu etc. For example some corporate networks prevent their employees from accessing such apps while they are at work. Sometimes on certain free Wi-Fi networks at coffee shops, airports etc there are so many people trying to steam movies and music, it gets congested and prevents others from accessing apps like netflix and pandora.