Will someone be able to find me?

So if I went on vacation to another state and let's say some psycho kidnaps me. I have an iPhone 5s. Can someone like my mother or a close friend find me?
With my location services on? Or the police?
Every time I'm on a road trip or even in my city hanging out with friends. You never know what can happen with all these crazy ppl out there. Especially at night. I'm not saying I'm in trouble right now or anything. I'm safe. It's just I'm cautious. Every time I know I'm gonna be out late or if I feel weird (like a gut feeling) I text someone my recent location.
Just wanted to know. Thank you for taking time to read this. God bless.

Absolutely. Find My Iphone allows you to be located anywhere with service. Law enforcement can locate you even without an iPhone (they can trace your phone through texts/calls/etc…). But if you are kidnapped, the law enforcement should be the first to look for you-they have the proper resources for that-not your family.